Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Artworks on clothes

I really dislike how my skin is lately. It's so unhealthy. I need to go on a proper diet and eat foods that are good for me instead of all the junk I usually eat.

I'm going to start printing things on clothes and selling them on etsy so I can start earning a bit of money. Maybe look into getting some polymer clay supplies and making charms and jewellery also with my designs.  I'm not sure if anyone would actually buy anything, but Ill probably do a giveaway on tumblr to promote it and stuff.

Certains de mes oeuvres, je n'aurais jamais envisager d'afficher sur les vêtements, principalement en raison de la signification derrière eux. Même si ils ont regardé une bonne, je ne pouvais pas le faire.


  1. your hair look amazing :)
    I love love love love blue hair!
    I'm planning to color my hair pink and then blue!

    1. Thankyou :), and go for it. Blue is a really good colour. It's easily manageable and well its blue :D
